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Phylogeography, Landscape and Ecological Genetics
The Owl Monkey Project of Argentina is an international research program that studies Azara’s owl monkey (Aotus azarae), a socially monogamous primate, to better understand the evolution of pair-bonding, monogamy, and paternal care. The project is using genetic and demographic data from owl monkeys to assess patterns of relatedness and natal dispersal and to evaluate how the competition...
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Evolutionary and ecological genetics of Alewives populations
Alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, populations occur in two discrete life history variants, an anadromous form and a landlocked (freshwater resident) form. Landlocked populations display a consistent pattern of life history divergence from anadromous populations, including earlier age at maturity, smaller adult body size, and reduced...
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Mary Burak’s dissertation research uses a landscape genetics approach to measure the effects of human land use and activity on apex predator populations in the Ewaso Ecosystem of north-central Kenya. Here, tension remains high surrounding tradeoffs between predator conservation and human land development. Mary’s doctoral research asks, “How does human activity and land use affect predator...
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This project is funded by an NSF grant in collaboration with the research groups of Bradley Cosentino ( and James Gibbs (
Background: Phenotypic divergence between cities and adjacent rural areas has been well documented but disentangling the roles of adaptive and non-adaptive drivers of divergence for heritable traits has...
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