The discoveries made in the center’s molecular laboratory inform work in the fields of systematics, evolutionary biology, ecology, paleontology, invasion and conservation biology, and epidemiology. They provide genetic, geographic, and often historical answers to biological questions. Researchers have explored subjects as wide-ranging as vocal learning in birds, climatic influence on genetics, the geographic origins of invasive species, genetic diversity in endangered species, and the evolution of disease-spreading parasites. One-on-one training and annual workshops teach students how to select and use genetic markers and analytical tools. Students participate in faculty-sponsored projects or conduct their own. Over two decades, the Center for Genetic Analyses of Biodiversity has trained more than two hundred researchers, from high school students to post-doctorates.
The Center for Genetic Analyses of Biodiversity is located within the Environmental Science Center on Sachem Street. To collaborate on a project or inquire about research opportunities please contact the Director, Dr. Adalgisa Caccone.