We surveyed Melanoplus femurrubrum grasshopper populations within the state of Connecticut for genetic diversity at multiple genetic markers, including three mitochondrial (CO1, ND2, and AT-rich) and one nuclear (ITS-1) gene regions. This study shows for the first time genetic variation for the ND2, AT-rich, and ITS genes within populations from a small geographic area from a Melanoplus species, and our methods and results should be useful for other researchers interested in conducting population level studies on closely related species. This project was a collaboration with Professor Oswald Schmitz from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.
Publication: Jounhyoung Lee, Jonathan Marshall, Oswald J. Schmitz, and A. Caccone. 2006. Genetic divergence of Connecticut Melanoplus femurrubrum populations. Journal of Heredity, 97:290-293